
Loutka pianisty od Jiřího Trnky.
30. 7. 2021

Unfortunately, the covid pandemic is not yet behind us, so the visitor regime in the museum is still subject to emergency measures. Therefore, visitors who are preparing for the festival Bez nití  will have to...

Mydlářovský dům v noci.
30. 7. 2021

The fifth year of annual festival Bez nití| Odvázané léto na terasách starts on Friday, July 30th, 2021. During the first festival weekend, it will offer puppet performances by the ensembles Buchty a loutky, Toy Machine or vi....

Ministr kultury Lubomír Zaorálek v muzeu.
3. 7. 2021

It was our great pleasure on Wednesday to welcome to our museum the Minister of Culture of the Czech Republic Lubomír Zaorálek. Mr. Zaorálek visited the Chrudim Puppetry Museum on June 30th, 2021, before the opening ceremony...

14. 6. 2021

On Friday, June 18, 2021, a new exhibition called Hey, Jů and Hele are at the Museum! will open as a symbolic gift for the 40th birthday of the popular characters of legendary Czech TV programme Studio Kamarád and as...

Výstava Tajemství dřevěné loutky - grafika.
9. 6. 2021

The exhibition The Secret of the Wooden Puppet has opened to the public and until the end of summer holidays it will tell visitors in South Korea the remarkable story of Czech puppetry, which is part of the UNESCO World...

Foto z výstavy Spejblova cestovka.
18. 5. 2021

Today we celebrate the International Museum Day, which, as usual, means that you can come to our museum for FREE! In addition to the renewed permanent exhibition The Magical World of Puppets, you can see and experience the...

Plakát výstavy Tajemství dřevěné loutky
21. 5. 2021

How did the wooden passengers manage their trip to Seoul? Thanks to the great work of colleagues from the Czech Centers, the puppets flew in a special package, which is professionally called "diplomatic cargo". How difficult...

7. 5. 2021

How to introduce puppet theater to children in a country where this tradition does not exist? The third video from the preparations for the Secret of a Wooden Puppet exhibition will introduce you to the graphic and...

Loutka Spejbla.
30. 4. 2021

We are very happy because we are reopening on Monday, May 3rd! And the happiest one is Mr. Spejbl, who can finally welcome the first adventurers in his travel office. Thank you all for your patience and we look forward to...

Loutky Spejbla a Hurvínka.
27. 4. 2021

The items for the exhibition Secret of the Wooden Puppet have already set out on a long journey from Chrudim to Seoul. The second part of the series of videos on the preparation of the exhibition will reveal to you...

