
1. 12. 2021

Today, December 1, 2021, we commemorate the fifth anniversary of the entry of Czech puppetry into the prestigious list of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity, UNESCO. The joint Czech - Slovak nomination succeeded at...

Loutka Anděla splněných přání na arkádách historického Mydlářovského domu.
29. 11. 2021

Although the Chrudim Puppetry Museum had to cancel a large part of the Christmas program due to the deteriorating epidemic situation, some of it was preserved. As in previous years, an angel will be watching day and night over...

Virus SARS Covid - 19
22. 11. 2021

Dear visitors, the epidemic measures valid in the Czech republic since 22 November 2021 do not apply to regular visits to the museum. It is therefore no longer necessary to submit an O-T-N certificate. However, please follow...

Duchůplné muzeum 2021.
22. 10. 2021

On Friday, October 22nd 2021, after a one-year break, the Chrudim Puppetry Museum will once again hold a popular Halloween event called the Duchůplné muzeum (museum full of ghosts). This time, the historic Mydlář ...

Budova MKČR v Praze.
29. 9. 2021

On the Day of Czech statehood on September 28th, the well-attended Open Day of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic is regularly held, in which our museum also participates every year. After a one-year "coronavirus"...

Koncert Cirkus blues
18. 9. 2021

This year's European Cultural Heritage Day will take place at the Chrudim Puppetry Museum on Saturday, September 18th. Visitors will be able to visit the historic Mydlář House from 9 am to 5 pm. In addition to that, a concert...

Plakát Noc literatury 2021
22. 9. 2021

On Wednesday, September 22th, from 6 pm, Chrudim will host the traditional Night of Literature. Actresses Tereza Nekudová and Kristýna Kudrnáčová will read excerpts from modern Czech translations of European literature at the...

Plakát Muzejní noci se třemi chrudimskými muzei.
27. 8. 2021

On Friday, August 27th, from 6 pm to 11 pm, the 16th Museum Night will take place in Chrudim and other cities in the Czech Republic. In the Chrudim Puppetry Museum, visitors will be able to discover the magical world of the...

Plakát festivalu Bez nití.
20. 8. 2021 to 21. 8. 2021

On Friday, August 20th, and on Saturday, August 21st, 2021, the second and final weekend of the festival Bez nití will offer puppet performances by the ensembles Anička a letadýlko nebo Damúza, musical performances by...

Výstava Tajemství dřevěné loutky - grafika.
5. 8. 2021

The exhibition The Secret of the Wooden Puppet in Seoul, Korea, has moved into its second half. One of the most appreciated elements of the exhibition is the guide for the youngest, which shows Korean children the most famous...

