We start summer holiday with a new exhibition

28. 6. 2024 to 30. 6. 2024

The start of summer vacation will be pretty busy at the museum. As every year, the Loutkářská Chrudim festival starts at this time and the museum is happy to join the festival fun!

On Friday, June 28, you can look forward to the opening of a brand new exhibition called Puppets for Every Family from 7 p.m. As if by waving a magic wand, it will transport you to the first half of the 20th century, when the puppet theater was truly a part of almost every Czech household. From 8 p.m., there is a concert by the Holinky band, which will delight everyone with its playful combination of swing and Jewish klezmer.

On Sunday, June 30, the museum will be part of the street festival at Loutkářská Chrudim. From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., a creative puppetry workshop will take place in the museum's playroom, and as part of the collaboration, our lovely colleagues from the Vysočina Open Museum will also visit us. Those on Resslová náměstí by the church will prepare a quiz and a workshop called "What was hidden in our grandmothers' sideboards?", during which you will learn more about the ceramic objects that used to be part of the everyday life of our ancestors.

On the terraces of Mydlář house, you can visit the concerts of the groups EnDee and the Last Day Orchestra at 7 and 9 p.m. and spend a pleasant evening with a view of the stars. Admission to all programs is free on these days, quality refreshments are also provided.